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UntitledParser is a demo parser for Source Engine games. This will be useful for calculating your run's time, though it is not required. If you are using LiveSplit, it will give you the time automatically if you've configured it correctly.


Download the latest release from the releases page.

Single Demo File

Now you can drag a .dem file onto the executable. It will open a console window and write a bunch of demo information into it.


Directory of Demo Files

Alternatively, you can also drag a directory of demos onto the executable. It will then properly time all of them. This is useful for timing your run if you don't use LiveSplit and only record demos with the demo auto record plugin.


How To Use As A Default

You can also set it up to be used whenever you open a demo by double clicking on it. Following the image below then selecting UntitledParser.exe. Make sure that it is not in a location where you can accidentally delete it later on, like your downloads folder.
