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Vault Save

Vault Save is a standard save used in Portal speedrunning that is used to skip the waiting in the Vault. In most categories, you eventually learn how to skip the vault, so you don't use this, but for glitchless and legacy inbounds, this is very helpful.

To use it, you need to put the vault.sav file in the portal/SAVE directory in your Portal installation directory. Then, set the speedrun plugin to use it by typing speedrun_save vault in the console.

Wakeup Saves for 3420

Wakeup saves for 3420 differ from standard vault save. The usage is the same, except this resource includes two saves; one for 75 FOV, and one for 90 FOV, because 3420 can't change the FOV through the console.

Category Saves

These are some collections of saves that can be useful for practicing. They are organized by category, all following a certain naming convention.



Download the zip archive of saves that you want, and extract them to the portal/SAVE folder in your Portal installation directory. Then, go in game, and type load , where you should be greeted with an autocomplete list of saves.

Naming Convention

The saves are named in the following format:


  • category is the shorthand of the category of the save, such as gl for glitchless or inb for inbounds.
  • map is the name of the chamber the save is for, such as 11 or 12.
  • il is an optional flag that indicates that the save is in the previous map, making it a valid Individual Level save.
  • description is a short description of the save, such as prehop or cubethrow.