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Save/Load Abuse

Save/Load Abuse, often shortened to "SLA", means exactly what it sounds like it means; abusing saving and loading the game. SLA is used in various glitches and tricks, like save glitch and save delay. Typically, most methods of SLA involve having a bind like:

bind g "save glitch;load glitch"

The name of the save is irrelevant, what matters is it is the same for both saving and loading. This causes the game to save and load at the same time, which can make the game do some useful things under the hood.

What is and isn't SLA

SLA is sort of a broad term, but it is most commonly used to refer to the bind we mentioned above. However, it also refers to any situation where saving and loading was used to achieve something that wouldn't have been achievable otherwise. For instance, it is considered SLA when you quick save and quick load to get "unstuck" from a wall, or to manipulate the way a prop behaves.

However, it is not considered SLA when you quick save and quick load to get back to a previous point in the game.