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Commands, Options, and Binds

This page is going to be a reference for all the commands, options, and binds that are allowed and commonly utilized in Portal speedrunning.


This is a table of officially whitelisted commands, pulled from SRDC.


Just because a command is whitelisted, does not clear it to be used in multi-binds on one key. Each category has it's own list of rules you must follow, too.

sv_player_funnel_into_portalsEnable/Disable player funnelling into portals.
toggle_duckToggle crouching.
cl_showposShow position in the top left corner of the screen.
r_drawviewmodelEnable/Disable viewmodels.
sensitivitySet mouse sensitivity.
saveSave the game.
loadLoad the game.
fps_maxSet the maximum framerate, only works without disconnecting on 3420.
viewmodel_fovSet the viewmodel FOV.
saySend a message to the chat.
gl_clearModifies the way "void" is rendered.
net_graphShow a graph of network usage.
cl_showfpsShow the framerate in the top right corner of the screen.
sv_autosaveEnable/Disable autosaving.
mat_dxlevelSet the DirectX version.
echoPrint a message to the console.

All commands for the Demo Record Plugin are also whitelisted.

Whitelisted combination binds for glitch categories:

  • save <name>;load <name>; - Used for save glitch and other things.
  • save <name>;fps_max <value>;load <name> - Used for setting the max FPS convar and various glitches.



Most Portal players use a higher FOV than the default 75. In order to change this, you can type fov_desired <number> into the console. However, if you're playing on 3420, you'll need to use a save to change your FOV.

DX95 vs DX80

Some Portal players use the launch option -dxlevel 80 to run the game in DirectX 8.0 mode. This is typically done for stylistic reasons, as the game looks less detailed and darker in DX80. This is a completely optional launch option, and is not required for any category.

To enable DX80, simply add -dxlevel 80 to your launch options. To disable it, remove it from your launch options. You can change this launch option either in Steam by right-clicking Portal, clicking Properties, and typing it into the Launch Options box, or if you're using Source Unpack, add it to the start command in your Portal.bat file. Then, after you launch the game, you should remove the option. It will stay, but if you leave the option there, it will reset your settings every time you launch the game.

Below, you can see a comparison of DX95 and DX80, with DX80 on the left and DX95 on the right.


Binds in Source Engine are used to bind a command to a key. For example, if you wanted to bind the command +jump to the key space, you would type bind space +jump into the console. This would make it so that when you press space, you jump.

save/load bind

bind g save glitch;load glitch

For most glitched categories, it is necessary to bind a key to saving and loading immediately after. This is used to perform a large number of tricks, including save glitch, bsg, and various others.

mouse scroll jump bind

bind mwheelup +jump;bind mwheeldown +jump

For nearly all categories, it is very helpful to bind jumping to scroll, as all main categories require a lot of bhop and/or ahop.


bind r toggle_duck

For categories that require ahop, it is very helpful to bind toggle duck to a key.


autoexec.cfg is a file that is executed every time you launch Portal. This is a good place to put extra binds you want, startup commands, and other things. To utilize this file, you will need to either locate or create the file portal/cfg/autoexec.cfg in your Portal directory.

From there, you can add any commands you want to the file, separated by either ; or a new line, and they will be run when the game starts.