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Quick Crouch Entry (QCE)

Quick Crouch Entry, or "QCE", is a technique that allows you to enter floor portals in 0.045s. It also works as a way to buffer some other crouch timings, for example any place where you need to walk off a ledge with walking speed, but also be crouched. The primary benefits of QCE are that going through floor portals much faster gives you more freedom to aim without disrupting camera control, consistent positions when exiting through a wall portal and slightly speeding up certain sections of movement.

How to QCE

To QCE with portals, you first shoot one of your portals on a wall. Then, crouch, wait a moment, and uncrouch. While your character is rising from the uncrouch, shoot the other portal on the floor. If done correctly, you will appear on the other side of the portal nearly instantly, standing. This will still work if you uncrouch after the portal lands.

However if before the QCE you jump then land crouched, the timing changes and you can only uncrouch after you start falling through the floor portal. If you do it before this you will stand up before going through the portal, resulting in you falling down like normal.