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The input library provides the ability to simulate inputs. This is useful for systems like TAS, or just using a script to execute a sequence of inputs, perfectly timed.


Note: This example is wrapped in game.async so we can use wait to wait for an event, like the player teleporting.

-- Wait for the player to go through a portal

-- release forward, hold left, and tap jump (meaning press for 1 tick, then release)




Represents an input key and provides methods to interact with it.


  • cmd (string): The name of the command for the input.


  • input_key:release(): Releases the input key.
  • input_key:hold(ticks): Holds the input key down until it is released. If ticks is nil, the key will be held down until it is released.
  • input_key:tap(): Holds the input key down for one tick.


local forwardKey = input.forward
forwardKey:hold(10) -- Hold the forward key down for 10 ticks
forwardKey:release() -- Release the forward key



Provides a table of input keys and methods to interact with them.

Input Keys

  • forward: Represents the forward input key.
  • back: Represents the back input key.
  • moveleft: Represents the move left input key.
  • moveright: Represents the move right input key.
  • moveup: Represents the move up input key.
  • movedown: Represents the move down input key.
  • left: Represents the left input key.
  • right: Represents the right input key.
  • lookup: Represents the look up input key.
  • lookdown: Represents the look down input key.
  • jump: Represents the jump input key.
  • duck: Represents the duck input key.
  • attack: Represents the attack input key.
  • attack2: Represents the secondary attack input key.
  • strafe: Represents the strafe input key.
  • speed: Represents the speed input key.
  • walk: Represents the walk input key.
  • use: Represents the use input key.
  • klook: Represents the keyboard look input key.
  • jlook: Represents the joystick look input key.
  • reload: Represents the reload input key.
  • alt1: Represents the alternative 1 input key.
  • alt2: Represents the alternative 2 input key.
  • score: Represents the score input key.
  • showscores: Represents the show scores input key.
  • graph: Represents the graph input key.
  • zoom: Represents the zoom input key.
  • grenade1: Represents the grenade 1 input key.
  • grenade2: Represents the grenade 2 input key.


  • input.reset(): Resets all input keys to released.
  • input.create(name): Creates an input_key with the given name. The name is also used as the command for the input.


input.forward:tap() -- Tap the forward key
input.reset() -- Reset all input keys to released

local customKey = input.create("custom")
customKey:hold(5) -- Hold the custom key down for 5 ticks